Long time I didn't published a new recipe here, I'm very sorry about that, I've been publishing on the French version but I've been doing long hours at my current job and I'm exhausted - or very busy with groceries, cleaning, cooking meals and taking care of Jesse, my dog - on my days off.
I'll try to get back on track and publish the seasonal recipes I've published in French for the past weeks.
About the recipe, I made these cookies last May, I love cookies as you can see on the blog and when I bought these quinoa flakes, I knew I wanted to bake them in a dessert and first went for cookies in order to make another recipe with them later on.
I'll try to get back on track and publish the seasonal recipes I've published in French for the past weeks.
About the recipe, I made these cookies last May, I love cookies as you can see on the blog and when I bought these quinoa flakes, I knew I wanted to bake them in a dessert and first went for cookies in order to make another recipe with them later on.